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‘Strategic’ SOEs bereft of strategic merits

“There is no such thing as a strategic SOE.” This statement by Finance Minister Aurangzeb is spot on. However, bureaucracy influences the leadership by suggesting numerous SOEs (State-Owned Enterprises) as…

Privatisation of SOEs: a focus on PIA

Pakistan’s economy is confronting numerous challenges like fiscal deficits, low savings, limited investment, low foreign exchange reserves, economic uncertainty, and rising external debt, expected to reach about $131.159 billion at…

SOEs: performance & accountability

The World Bank’s recent report, titled ‘Pakistan Development Update, fiscal impact of Federal State-Owned Enterprises’, highlights a significant improvement in our economy, attributed mainly to enhanced and better management strategies,…

SOEs in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are a common feature in the economic landscapes of developing countries such as Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. The performance of these SOEs has been a topic of…

Loss-making SOEs must be privatized

The SOEs are required to be privatised. This compulsion is driven by no other reason than that going forward, no money will be available to continue financing their losses that…

SOEs, fiscal discipline & reforms

Despite a wave of privatization in the last 3 decades, SOEs still contribute significantly to the economic growth of both developed and developing countries (Robinett 2006). For example, SOEs account…

SOEs: privatisation the only solution

Driven by the current ‘four-point must list of IMF’ to qualify for the next tranche of Fund’s lending in November this year, the incumbent government has picked up the settlement of…

The false narrative around SOEs

Selling state companies is a bad idea. But despite failing repeatedly in practice this idea has resurfaced in the 2023-24 budget proposals, which say that next year the government will…

Privatize SOEs, please

Nobody can deny the economic and financial turmoil Pakistan currently finds itself in. Yet, the country’s decision-makers are shy of taking hard decisions to stabilize the troubled economy. One policy…

The challenge of SOEs — II

The SOEs (State-Owned Enterprises) are generally being run at the whim of a chosen few, who are beholden to no system but instead their benefactors and appointers. In this environment,…