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Children in prisons

ON a cold morning in 1937, a remand home was inaugurated in Karachi under the Bombay Children Act, 1924. This remand home was later shifted to near Central Jail in…

Living statues

THE streets of Karachi are witnessing a new form of child exploitation: children performing as living statues. Children as young as six are covered in silver or gold paint from…

A landmark conviction

Spousal violence against women is a pressing issue in Pakistan, linked to a distressing array of mental, physical, emotional, and economic health challenges. According to estimates published by the WHO,…

PECA and children; Part – II

The court has also been tasked with responsibilities under the 2023 amendment. Under Section 44 and 2 (ix) of PECA 2016, designated courts for electronic crimes were notified in consultation…

Human rights on the agenda

There are hundreds of political parties in Pakistan and dozens of them are active, but not many have human rights as a major agenda point on their manifestos. It should…