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Retail traders splurge on risky plays, fuelling bounce

Freshly emboldened retail investors have continued piling into risky assets, supporting a bounce that has buoyed everything from so-called meme stocks to cryptocurrencies despite economic worries and geopolitical uncertainty. Weeks-long…

Wholesale Disaster In Retail Trade

Wholesale disaster in retail trade

Imagine a society where 80 percent of all grocery sales are monopolized by just five giant retailers like Walmart, Tesco and Carrefour, locally grown fresh food is largely replaced by…

Taxing traders

Pakistan’s economy has, over the years, transitioned towards a services-oriented economy, with services making up 58 per cent of total GDP, largely due to underinvestment in both the manufacturing and…

The retail boom

Pakistan posted a much higher-than-expected deficit of $12.1 billion (4% of gross domestic product - GDP) in the previous fiscal year ended June 30, 2017 as against $4.9 billion in…

Cost of illicit cigarette trade

According to a UN ‘doom’s day scenario’ the global economy faces a ‘US$ 2 trillion’ hit in view of the devastation being caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic. But even…

Hot money and high interest rates: trade-offs?

Since the beginning of March’20, Pakistan’s economy witnessed three economic disturbances and one expected policy revision: a) net outflow of US$ 1.3 billion from treasury bills (dubbed as ‘hot money’)…

Illicit trade in tobacco products — I

This is the first part of a two-part series on how to counter illicit trade in tobacco products, recoup revenue losses and discourage smoking that is great health hazard. Illicit…

Illicit trade in tobacco products — II

19.1 percent of Pakistani population, which includes 31.8 percent of men and 5.8 percent of women, consume tobacco in one form or the other. Among these tobacco consumers, 9.6 percent…