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Mismanagement Or Scarcity?

Mismanagement or scarcity?

There has always been confusion with regard to the prevailing water challenges in the country. There is literature that shows how scarce water is in Pakistan as compared to studies…

HEC to establish center for water resource

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) will establish a Centre for Water Resources in Balochistan to take up research, innovation and capacity building in the field of water resources.  In this…

Strategy On Scarcity

Strategy on scarcity

It is heartening to see articles on Pakistan’s water issues appear with greater frequency in newspapers. The chief justice deserves a great deal of credit for this. His campaign to…

Abundance And Scarcity

Abundance and scarcity

Asked by an opposition leader, an absurd question may appear legitimate and sensible. For more than a decade, Imran Khan essentially asked this question: Why is the government of a…

When Scarcity Strikes

When scarcity strikes

Water is a basic necessity of life. Since access to water has been recognised as a human right, the obligation to provide clean and safe drinking water across the globe…

Preparing For Scarcity

Preparing for scarcity

Barring its formative years, generations of Pakistani policymakers have comfortably operated with one `given` or constant: resource abundance. From vast tracts of fertile arable land to generous flows in its…

The corporate climate compass

Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues today, encompassing every facet of society, including corporations which significantly contribute to climate change through their gigantic share of greenhouse…

Haj and climate attributions

CLIMATE change has begun to infringe on the freedom of believers to perform Haj freely and fearlessly. The world was shocked to learn that almost 1,500 individuals died of the heat during…

Ecocide in Gaza

THE ongoing war on Gaza, recently recognised as a genocide by the International Court of Justice, has garnered global attention for its devastating humanitarian impact. However, beneath the immediate human tragedy lies a…