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Dangerous liaisons

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 precipitated a large influx of Afghans into Pakistan, mainly from the Kabul elite, the affluent bought up residential homes and even small businesses,…

Locked Away

Locked away

The Mendez Report compiled by UN special rapporteur on torture in 2015 indicates there are at least eight to 10 million children living in orphanages, residential homes, psychiatric hospitals and…

Autism Awareness

Autism awareness

“April is the cruellest month of the year,” wrote T.S. Eliot. It is a month of painful rebirth, but also a time of immense possibilities, when each being has the…

Young, broke, unheard

Islamabad, often hailed as the second most beautiful capital in the world, especially on social media, is nothing short of heaven for the bureaucracy and those living on the right…

Year of travel in the US

OVER the last year, I drove 30,000 miles exploring the western half of the US, staying in the extreme wilderness as well as glamorous cities, travelling on secondary roads rather…

Life in a ‘posh’ area

In most ‘posh’ neighbourhoods in Pakistan – and in particular in Karachi – residents must often do things on their own and pay for them even while they pay taxes…