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Commercializing research

A study of Scopus, the world’s most comprehensive, multidisciplinary database of scholarly literature, data, and analytics reveals astonishingly positive figures about the progress made in the quality and quantum of…

HEC invites research proposals under RTTG

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has invited research proposals from faculty members, under the RAPID Technology Transfer Grant (RTTG) programme. The official sources told APP that HEC, in that regard,…

Unfair assault on institutions

THE failure of the government to get Finance Minister Abdul Hafeez Sheikh elected as a senator from Islamabad appears to have caused a great shock to the prime minister who…

Politics and Bretton Woods institutions

‘The “Doing Business” controversy has shaken confidence in the World Bank and the IMF. But it must not obscure the real problems with the Bretton Woods institutions: the disproportionate power of…

Delimiting research culture

What is knowledge? How is knowledge produced? What are the factors that contribute to the production of knowledge? What is the quality of the knowledge being produced in Pakistan and…