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Dream party

Pakistan needs a dream political party to steer the country out of its current crisis. A party that has the vision and ability to introduce reforms, and the courage to…

Is the PTI a political party?

THE vicious vengeance directed against leaders and supporters of the PTI is a clear sign that the ruling parties in power have given up on even the pretence of democratic…

Pakistan needs a new political party

For the first time ever, many of us are not just apprehensive but frightened about the future of Pakistan. Daily survival is getting harder and harder for our people, our…

Religious minorities’ woes

Amidst all the kerfuffle about general elections looming on the horizon, our attention has been diverted (inadvertently or deliberately?) from the continuing plight of religious minorities in our society. Consider.…

Public offices and partymen

A constitutional government on a liberal tradition is established where political power is exercised subject to limitations provided in a written constitution. Political parties are the life-line of liberal democracy…

Stoking religious sentiments

The Indian War of Independence (or the 1857 Indian Mutiny as the British call it) did not start as a "War of Independence" by Indians against Britishers. The British East…

Religious tolerance

The Sultanate of Oman celebrated its 51st National Day on November 18. This date marks the country’s independence from Portuguese imperialism in 1650. This holiday is the beginning of a…

Religious tourism

THE governments of Pakistan and India seem to not realise that, in international law, it is incumbent on them to freely grant visas and facilities to the neighbouring countries’ nationals…

Is The Party Over For Modi?

Is the party over for Modi?

Has the tide finally started turning against Narendra Modi and his BJP? Only months ago, the prime minister – whose meteoric rise in the face of numerous court cases and…