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The Political Economy Of Regional Trade

The political economy of regional trade

In the era of regionalism, a combination of political and economic factors has prevented Pakistan, notwithstanding its strategic location, from significantly shoring up its trade relations with neighbouring counties. Pakistan…

The Trump doctrine: trade wars and tensions

The slew of political and economic measures announced by the Trump Administration has created an impression that the world is returning to an era of an insane protectionism and intense…

Reconsidering our regional policy

Pakistan needs to recraft a regional policy rooted in strategic realities at the regional and global levels and is cognisant of its short- and long-term political, security, economic and cultural…

Indo-Pak trade restart?

Facing significant economic challenges, influential sectors in Pakistan are now examining the potential benefits of re-establishing trade ties with India. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were downgraded following India’s…

SCO as a gateway to regional prosperity

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), made up of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Iran and Belarus is one of the largest regional organisations in the world. The…

Pakistan regionally

WE lag economically even in South Asia. This lag is well-known but not its huge scale. To display that, I compare Saarc economies using World Bank data which runs up…

Trade and climate adaptation

ADAPTATION to climate change is the defining element for the subsistence of Pakistan’s growing population. While Pakistan is repeatedly hit by climate disasters, it still has to develop its adaptation…

Pakistan’s carbon trade test

The European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is poised to reshape its international trade dynamics by introducing a carbon price on imports of specific goods. This measure is designed…

Building back global trade

Ever since May 2023, when the 14-member Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) reached an agreement on strengthening the resilience of global supply chains — a crucial aspect of the framework’s second…