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Reconsidering our regional policy

Pakistan needs to recraft a regional policy rooted in strategic realities at the regional and global levels and is cognisant of its short- and long-term political, security, economic and cultural…

SCO as a gateway to regional prosperity

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), made up of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Iran and Belarus is one of the largest regional organisations in the world. The…

Pakistan’s regional policy

It is axiomatic that Pakistan’s regional policy should be anchored to ground realities instead of being based on wishful thinking and pious hopes. Historical record, however, reveals that in many…

Regional concerns

It was the late 80s when the Soviet Union pulled back its troops from Afghanistan. Today, a similar situation is being witnessed as the long-stretched ‘war on terror’ comes to…

Regional scenario

In the backdrop of the continuing US pull-out from Afghanistan, the stalled talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government and the Taliban regaining control over 81 percent of the…

Regional scenario

The rapid withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan is currently in process. The Biden Administration has set the deadline of September 11 this year, which will also be marked as…