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Afghan refugees

THE manner in which Afghan refugees are being repatriated from Pakistan is unfortunate. Under the Citizens’ Act, anyone born in Pakistan is a Pakistani citizen. If you apply this law,…

Issue of refugees

HUNDREDS of thousands of undocumented Afghan refugees are returning to their country. In principle, it makes perfect sense. No country allows illegal foreign nationals to stay on its land. Pakistan,…

Afghan refugees & international law

AFGHAN refugees came to Pakistan more than four decades ago and since then Pakistan has played the role of an admirable host in every possible way. However, before further continuing…

Who is responsible for climate refugees? Part – II

Tuvalu, Kiribati, and the Maldives have been suffering from the devastating impact of climate change. Experts predict that these countries will be underwater in 2050. Internal displacement is not possible…

Citizen refugees

ON Dec 15, at least six civilians were killed in a clash between Pakistani and Afghan border forces near their international border crossing at Chaman-Spin Boldak, the latest in a series of…