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Countering terror — beyond labels

During the past few weeks, terrorists affiliated with the TTP), Al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISKP) have been referred to by Pakistani authorities as Khawarij. This term,…

Transparency matters

On December 29, barely a week after calling for proposals for reforming judicial appointments and shortlisting eight significant areas on which proposals were sought from additional persons, the Judicial Commission…

The Bigger Picture

The bigger picture

While the world is still reeling from the shock of being Trumped, Pakistanis seem to have forgotten about everything other than the Panama Papers case before the Supreme Court of…

A Matter Of Federal Integrity

A matter of federal integrity

The 18th Amendment was an attempt to restore the 1973 constitution to its original shape and intent and remove distortions introduced by military dictators. The devolution of powers to the…