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The creditors’ view

IN the days and weeks following the elections, the view held by Pakistan’s creditors seems to be clearing up. All the notes released on Pakistan since the elections point to…

Public Mis-service Inc

THROUGHOUT my profession, I have closely engaged with government ministries, agencies and departments, both at the local and federal levels. In my younger days, the calling of the public services…

An opportunity for review

The Election Commission of Pakistan has filed a review petition against the SC order of April 4 fixing May 14 as the date for election in Punjab as well as…

Future of public examination boards

AT present, the country has more than 30 public examination boards, of which two are private. In the past, these were given a wide mandate that included consolidation, regulation, development…

Reviewing CT strategy

THERE was nothing in the communiqué issued after the latest National Security Committee meeting that we have not heard before. Phrases like ‘zero tolerance for terrorism’ and ‘violence will be dealt with,…

Debt: a longer view

“INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results,” is a saying intended to suggest that such behaviour is stupid. Is that interpretation correct in the…

Trans fats hamper public health

Industrially Produced Trans Fatty Acids (iTFAs), which are found in every local diet, are a public health concern and a big challenge ahead. They are causing a notable increase in…

Defunding of public higher education

When one is looking for higher-ed statistics in Pakistan, they must be pieced together from multiple sources and cross-checked to ensure they make sense. However, occasionally, you come across longitudinal…