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Oblivious To Public Opinion

Oblivious to public opinion

In our country rulers and politicians lie and make false promises to people to fool them, without caring what people say about them in private. In the olden days, kings,…

Massaging Public Opinion

Massaging public opinion

The Invisible Soldiers are on the march again. Spreading their lies, planting their conspiracy theories, nudging Pakistanis to blame anyone and everyone other than the self-appointed guardians of the national…

Public health vs economic health

Focusing exclusively on public health rather than trying to strike a balance between human and economic health, China seems to have succeeded by March 15, in preventing, to a large…

Public offices and partymen

A constitutional government on a liberal tradition is established where political power is exercised subject to limitations provided in a written constitution. Political parties are the life-line of liberal democracy…

Public administration and decisions

Policymaking is an important and consequential public activity that needs to be in the limelight – and it often is. An allied public activity, also of much importance but in…

Public recruitment

TO select the chairman of the Higher Education Commission, around three years ago, eligible candidates numbering slightly over 100 were interviewed. The average interview time per candidate was approximately five…

The public in public decisions

What often passes for public participation in a public decision is nothing more than mere tokenism. To be able to distinguish substantial participation from the mere semblance of participation is…