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Minimum wage revisited

Pakistan has an acceptable concept of minimum wage, just like many countries. The reason for imposing minimum wage is primarily to ensure that employers are compelled to pay minimum wage…

Weather worries

ACCORDING to scientists, for 800,000 years of Earth’s existence the amount of carbon in the atmosphere did not exceed 300 ppm (parts per million). Then in 1911, the amount of…

Pakistan & Argentina: two economic scenarios

“On July 28, the Argentine authorities and IMF staff reached a staff-level agreement on the combined fifth and sixth reviews under Argentina’s 30-month Extended Fund Facility (EFF) arrangement. This agreement…

Community resilience

Extremism is the deadliest emerging threat to global security, rights, peace, well-being, and sustainability. The rise in extremism in various regions of the world is caused by inequalities and an…

War of narratives

December is here, and is the season of stocktaking. Now that important appointments in the country have been made and the officials concerned have taken charge of their offices, it…

Budget speech 2021-22

The full text of budget speech of Minister for Finance and Revenue Shaukat Tarin that he delivered in the National Assembly on Friday, June 11, 2021 Bismillahir-Rehmanir-Rahim Mr. Speaker, 1.…