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Police vs protesters

The Sindh Rawadari March held on October 13, 2024, was a landmark event, highlighting the refusal of the people of Sindh to accept any intolerant agenda that certain quarters have…

Egypt Protesters Put Faith In Army To End Crisis

Egypt protesters put faith in army to end crisis

Crowds of opponents of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi cheered as army helicopters bearing military flags roared over their heads in central Cairo's Tahrir Square. "The people, the police and the…

Yemen Protesters Pledge To Remain Peaceful

Yemen protesters pledge to remain peaceful

The bullet hit 28-year old Yemeni protester Abdullah Hameed Ali in the face and shattered his brain. But his Hamdan tribe, who last year stormed and occupied a university where…

Controversial justice

FOLLOWING a nod from the apex court, a Field General Court Martial (FGCM) has announced its decision to sentence 25 PTI supporters to varying terms of rigorous imprisonment for their involvement in the May…