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Britain Sends Out A ‘Mayday’

Britain sends out a ‘Mayday’

Never before has a British prime minister been defeated in parliament as heavily as Theresa May last night. By 230 votes, she lost the motion on her deal for exit…

Rating agencies and Pakistan’s response

There are three major international credit rating agencies providing investors information about bond and debt instruments and sovereign debt - Fitch, Moody’s Investor Services and Standard and Poor - which…

A change unnoticed

The United Kingdom just experienced an historic change in the form of electing its first non-white and non-Christian prime minister. Rishi Sunak is no ordinary person of colour but someone…

Beyond Boris

THE wide-ranging inadequacies of what is known as Western-style democracy may stre­tch back to its inception, but what has been particularly disturbing of late is a tendency to elect (or…

Persistence pays off on Brexit for British PM

The Brexit deal is a personal success for Prime Minister Theresa May, after months of tough negotiations conducted while also battling with her own side - but any relief could…