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Post-elections Economy

Post-elections economy

Whichever party wins the election, it will inherit an economy facing very difficult multiple challenges. The new government will be gifted an economy run into the ground by five years…

Elections and complications

AFTER a nail-biting race, the Turkish election appears to be headed towards a run-off poll, with neither candidate able to secure 50 per cent of the vote. The electoral rules…

Elections or selection?

‘THE more the things change, the more they stay the same.’ That truism can be applied to Pakistan’s power politics. The same old game that we have witnessed many times…

Elections and public scepticism

LESS than a month remains for the five-year term of the present National Assembly and two provincial assemblies to end, after which elections have to be held within 60 or…

Post-poll Karachi

AFTER a long wait, local government elections were finally held last month in Karachi and other locations in Sindh. The PPP, Jamaat-i-Islami and PTI emerged as the three largest parties.…

The saga of elections

Elections are just round the corner. The famous English proverb says that “There is many a slip between the cup and the lip” but in this case all slippery obstacles…

Elections 2024

It is election time in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Consider the inflationary trends in the country as, according to the Election Commission of Pakistan, the estimated cost for this…