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Missing nutrition

HEALTHY human capital is a critical gauge of economic stability. The money spent on healthcare is a major determinant of economic growth which can help increase income levels. According to…

Malnutrition woes

MALNUTRITION, or poor nutrition, emerges when one’s diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients. Poor nutrition can be broadly categorised as ‘undernutrition’ and ‘over-nutrition’. In most developing countries,…

No country for the poor

This is a great country to live in if you are rich. A vast army of the poor is there to serve you. Cooks to prepare your meals, maids to…

Expensive nutrition

For years, the health burden linked with children and mothers has been largely ignored. If girls at their adolescent or reproductive age are malnourished, they are more prone to high-risk…

Price hike and nutrition

CLIMATE change is a threat multiplier for large-scale malnutrition and stunting in Pakistan. It is only now that the linkages between climate change and malnutrition have begun to become clearer,…

The challenge of malnutrition

Food is a basic need for every living being. Therefore, access to food is a fundamental right of every human being and every individual on the planet has a right…

Rethinking Health And Nutrition

Rethinking health and nutrition

Pakistan is a developing country with less than satisfactory performance on internationally accredited health performance indicators. This is not only about the chronic low spending in public health but also…