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Political meltdown

THE high drama of Punjab’s constitutional crisis reached a climax with the Supreme Court ruling that struck down the deputy Speaker’s action in the provincial assembly and held this to be “without…

When the young are apolitical

The youth of Pakistan constitutes more than 60 per cent of the total population of the country. Despite this fact, this intersectionality has been forcefully and by design kept away…

The cost of political uncertainty

The failed attempt on the life of former prime minister Imran Khan has raised temperatures throughout the country with obvious repercussions on the state of the union (federation versus at…

Economic facts vs political fiction

Facts speak, and they speak louder than what we say. Slogans and Speeches are the advertising tools for political selling but Economic facts are the core product that eventually determines…

A case for dialogue

A key lesson in diplomacy and politics is the importance of resolving issues through dialogue. Sitting down together to find common ground for the greater good is an essential approach.…

The second coming

THE newly elected prime minister has set an ambitious target for his minority government propped up by half a dozen disparate groups. He vows to steer the country back to the shore…

Land reforms in Gilgit-Baltistan

This article is divided into two parts. The first part aims to introduce the key features of the proposed Gilgit-Baltistan Land Reforms Act 2023. The second part presents a summary…

IMF – No half measures

Last week it appeared that the economic reality is finally sinking into the government high-ups. The statement of Saudi finance minister in Davos on not supporting countries (like Pakistan) unconditionally…

IMF at the doorstep

In a promising development it appears that Prime Minister Imran Khan and the IMF Director Christine Lagarde developed good rapport and mutual understanding when they met last Friday on the…