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Policy, reform & political change

PUBLIC policies struggle to survive, and reform agendas get stalled in times of political change. At best, uncertainty surrounds them; at worst, they are scrapped by political opponents when they…

Political Economy Of The ME Policy

Political economy of the ME policy

It was agreements and protocols galore – eight to be precise – during the high-profile visit of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS), the first in line to the Saudi…

Political Monetary Policy

Political monetary policy

FISCAL policy is by definition political; it is made by politicians. In contrast, monetary policy is kept away from political rulers in all functioning democracies.

It’s all political

AFTER a phase of stabilisation, it is encouraging to see the government emphasise growth through Uraan Pakistan. The programme, much like an election manifesto, aims to address an overwhelming range…

Reimagining our foreign policy

The world is undergoing rapid transformation, with emerging alliances and a shift towards a multipolar world order. These changes are evident on both regional and international scales. The ongoing conflict…

Time to end neoliberal monetary policy well overdue

‘This chapter has shown that the NMPC [New Monetary Policy Consensus] is limited in four important ways. Firstly, it is based on doubtful assumptions, unwarranted generalisations, overly optimistic expectations about…

Reconsidering our regional policy

Pakistan needs to recraft a regional policy rooted in strategic realities at the regional and global levels and is cognisant of its short- and long-term political, security, economic and cultural…

A truly global economic policy needed

In an October 24 post by The Guardian, it highlighted the comments made by Kristalina Georgieva, the head of International Monetary Fund (IMF), which are highly indicative of a global…

Changing political dynamics in S. Asia

Driven by rejuvenated public sentiments for a change, the Bangladesh’s incumbent government is gradually but consistently moving out of the Indian orbit through measured and calculated steps — which many…