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It’s all about political stability

Perturbed by the ongoing political uncertainty, the trade and industry leaders met and expressed concerns that the rising political uncertainty, deteriorating security situation and high cost of doing business are forcing…

Addressing poll disputes

NEARLY two months after polling day, there seems to be no sign that the controversy raging over the integrity of general election 2024 will subside anytime soon. PTI, the most…

Geopolitical chessboard

MOMENTOUS developments spearheaded by China’s dramatic rise, growing Sino-US rivalry, an assertive Russia, and the emergence of new centres of power in Asia, Africa and Latin America are reshaping the…

Political meltdown

THE high drama of Punjab’s constitutional crisis reached a climax with the Supreme Court ruling that struck down the deputy Speaker’s action in the provincial assembly and held this to be “without…

Orphaned disputes

THE absence of a decision-making centre in Pakistan’s economic management is now being felt acutely. A string of news emerging in the past week or so illustrates this perfectly. The…

Is it geopolitical pressure?

This past weekend, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) hosted the Shangri La Dialogue – the Asia security summit it hosts in Singapore each year and has been doing…

Political’ versus ‘liberal’ capitalism

Pakistan’s economy has always remained in a state of confusion. Except for the first decade or so when we went for import substitution our attempts to set our economy on…