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Poverty of political discourse

IN Pakistan’s deeply polarised and fraught environment the tone and content of political discourse has plunged to a level not witnessed before. Political conduct may not have been polite in…

Political dialogue is indispensable

Communication and negotiation are indispensable pillars of politics, serving as a bridge between conflicting ideologies and facilitating solutions that ensure governance, stability, and progress. History is replete with examples where…

Dream of political stability

IT is often believed that engineering political stability is the solution to a nation’s economic and security challenges. The idea of this so-called stability is used to justify the suppression…

Political turmoil & reset for unity

As one of nine nuclear-armed states of the world, Pakistan plays a significant role in regional geopolitics. However, consistently plagued by political instability, it has been facing multiple challenges on…

Season of political realignments

WHAT does the recent flurry of political activity signify? A new and more intense phase of political manoeuvring? Stepped up efforts by political parties to mobilise support to strengthen their…

Stagnation of political sphere

A FEW weeks ago, my father, who often catches up on news programmes he has missed via YouTube, began to watch one such show. Almost 15 minutes into the programme…

Finding political legitimacy

I wrote about the CAR framework last month and posited that governance has become much more challenging because ‘capability’, ‘accountability’ and ‘responsiveness’ have all become compromised. These qualities have been…

When sanity is banished from discourse

We are living through times when a foreboding often casts its shadow that whatever we were taught through our evolving years, whatever we learnt through a lifetime of passion, labour,…

The Khalistan discourse

The Khalistan movement has resurfaced and is capturing global attention as activists across Australia, Canada, the UK and the US rally in protest against the mysterious killing of Hardeep Singh…

Dangerous discourse

Intellectuals in a society possess a deep insight into the causes behind the challenges faced by a nation and have a clear vision about the course it must traverse in…