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Geopolitical chessboard

MOMENTOUS developments spearheaded by China’s dramatic rise, growing Sino-US rivalry, an assertive Russia, and the emergence of new centres of power in Asia, Africa and Latin America are reshaping the…

Geopolitical prudence

The Ukraine War, its complexities and global spillover effects, have not been adequately depicted by either political leaders or the more influential media. Most commonly, the Ukraine War has been…

Social dimensions and IMF deals

Political economists believe that economic growth is important, but it alone cannot help reduce poverty and inequality, marring prosperity, unless the right choices and unbiased selection of priorities are made…

Crisis of political imagination

It keeps us on our toes to defend the fortress of morality and keep the power of a shrewd politician far away from us. It keeps us engaged in a…

China-Pakistan relations: new dimensions

On the occasion of the 71st anniversary of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China both the nations deserve congratulations. These two brotherly countries have stood by each other at all…

Political stability

Political stability in China pulled out 850 million Chinese out of poverty where the percentage of Chinese living in extreme poverty fell from 88 percent to 1.85 percent. Political stability…

Political stability

Political stability in China pulled out 850 million Chinese out of poverty where the percentage of Chinese living in extreme poverty fell from 88 percent to 1.85 percent. Political stability…

Pakistan’s angry political culture

THE political culture of a country always evolves. But not necessarily in a positive direction. As elsewhere in the world, politics in Pakistan has long had unseemly dimensions. Political leaders…

Political dilemmas

THE evolving political situation in the country confronts both the government and opposition with difficult dilemmas. The decisions that followed the PDM’s Lahore rally and the atmosphere its combative campaign has created…