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Policy contexts and conflict

The challenge of devising good policy is heightened by the conflict that can come from the conflicting interests of policy influencers. In such contexts, effective negotiation and conflict resolution skills…

Policy, contexts and scenarios

In Afghanistan, or anywhere else today, the overwhelming context is climate catastrophe, possible nuclear conflict which could have world-wide impact, the endless violence of corporate capitalist governance, successive waves of…

Politics of ‘nepo-babies’

PAKISTAN’S politics is still dominated by dynasties and family networks that manage to retain their grip over the country’s top political offices and a significant number of seats in parliament.…

Reimagining Irsa

THE Indus River System Authority is under siege. Irsa is the only federal institution in the country charged with regulating, monitoring, and distributing the Indus waters among the provinces. It…

The Taliban character

THE Afghan Taliban’s character has remained tricky throughout their history. Their leadership is notorious for shifting positions and breaking its promises. Who knows better than Pakistan’s security institutions, which have…

Language of war and peace

Austrian linguistic philosopher Wittgenstein says, “The meaning of a word is its use in the language.” This implies that words do not have intrinsic meanings in language themselves, and they…

How a language dies

A language dies when nobody speaks it anymore. Why a language dies is a pertinent question asked by linguists and activists alike. Linguists and activists across the world have shown…

The strange case of Imran Khan

We have seen many politicians in our country and witnessed many different dramas involving the political scene and happenings within it. But the phenomenon of Imran Khan needs to be…

Regulatory challenges

The first month of 2021 was marked by two pivotal political moments across two continents, united by a curious feature of modern communication. In the United States, right-wing extremist groups…