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The great Indian political circus: Part – I

There are many similarities between the economic situation that India faced in the early 1990s and the one Pakistan currently faces. Last year, I wrote a series of articles that…

The world in a tailspin

The year 2021 saw the world in turmoil, grappling with Covid-19-related challenges, overcoming supply-side disruptions, and dealing with the critical task of reviving the economies and managing high commodity prices.…

The doppelgangers of mayhem

THERE are striking similarities between Benjamin Netanyahu and Narendra Modi, not the least their cynical methods of staying in power. But there are differences too. One rose, self-confessedly, from a…

The Kartarpur Corridor

The Kartarpur corridor

Navjot Singh Sidhu, former Indian cricketer-turned-comedian-turned-politician, is on a serious business of fostering bonhomie between India and Pakistan – an ambitious path that is burdened with the potholes of repugnant…

The Shifting Global Order

The shifting global order

While we continue to be consumed by local issues – including the Faizabad sit-in – the world around us is changing in several significant ways. Two developments that have taken…

Turkey’s IS Test

Turkey’s IS test

The recent claim by Recep Tayip Erdogan, Turkey’s intrepid president, to go for the jugular of the militant Islamic State group in Syria, and take his fight against the terrorists…

Strangulating Al-Jazeera

Strangulating Al-Jazeera

The unending siege of Qatar, which started in the middle of the holy month of Ramazan, continues unabated sans any hope for an easy and early settlement. The powerful blocs…

Labour Day Reflections

Labour Day reflections

May 1 – a day celebrated the world over to acknowledge and celebrate the services and contributions of labourers and workers – is generally limited to platitudes and cliches. Though…

A Better Multilateralism

A better multilateralism

The world appears to be engulfed by the politics — and economics — of anger. Much of the ire stems from the ‘fallout’ of globalisation — freer trade and large-scale…