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Values and policy decisions

Public policy environments will invariably include some contentious policy decisions. These decisions will often involve implicit value judgements about what is important and what is not. In debating contentious policy,…

Time to end neoliberal monetary policy well overdue

‘This chapter has shown that the NMPC [New Monetary Policy Consensus] is limited in four important ways. Firstly, it is based on doubtful assumptions, unwarranted generalisations, overly optimistic expectations about…

Policy rate caution

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) and the current economic team of the government of Pakistan must stop hiding behind a veil of overly cautious monetary policies. The latest Monetary…

Who should make policy?

‘INCREMENTAL’ budgeting is generally practised by the government of Pakistan. That means that the Ministry of Finance’s recurrent budgets are not based on costing the latest development plans but, in…

Masochism as policy

I’D like to tell you a story, though forgive me, it’s one you’ve heard before. Several times in fact, and yet inexplicably, infuriatingly, its key assertion is still subject to…

Why monetary policy prudence is a virtue

The upcoming monetary policy announcement on September 12th comes at a time when headline inflation has dropped to single digits for the first time in nearly three years. With the…

Economic policy, federal budget and role of opposition

‘…the existence of the opposition is ‘nearly the most distinctive characteristic of democracy’. In parliamentary democracies, since government and parliamentary majorities often coincide, the opposition is expected to function as…

What’s the deal with our solar policy?

In the intricate dance between policy formulation and economic stability, the narrative of local investors and consumers emerges as a poignant tale of uncertainty and disillusionment. The saga surrounding net…