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The poetry of science exploration

Light travels at a finite speed of  300,000km per seconds – the speed of light. Because the speed is finite, every photon in every ray of light that reaches an…

Talking Cricket, Science And Poetry

Talking cricket, science and poetry

Recently our cricket team played a series of matches in the UAE against Australia and New Zealand. They played well against Australia, but the New Zealanders forced losses on them.…

Poetry in a time of terror

What they call Black Friday in the States is a Friday of big bargains for frenzied shoppers. It comes a day after Thanksgiving. This Black Friday came day before yesterday,…

Poetry in the dark

THE UK last week celebrated national poetry day — an annual celebration of poetry with the aim of attracting new audiences to the genre. Newspapers were filled with famous verse…

Iqbal: Poor Philosophy, Rich Poetry

Iqbal: poor philosophy, rich poetry

The state and its propaganda apparatus have been a great hindrance in the development of an objective approach or objective approaches to Iqbal. Yet, one can ask whether Iqbal didn’t…

Poetry And Patronage

Poetry and patronage

The year 1856 was a significant one in the history of the subcontinent, not for what had occurred during its days, weeks and months but for what had not yet…

A Time For Poetry

A time for poetry

A regular columnist in our country gets addicted to expressing anguish and sorrow. Every week provides its separate topics for the same lament over what is not. It becomes hard…

Being more human

What measures are necessary to counter violent extremism and religious intolerance in Pakistan? And what role should the youth be assigned in this campaign, which has a bearing on our…

Remembering Rangrez

We tend to admire and praise great poets and writers too often and by doing so we also end up ignoring many other lesser-known poets and writers. Take, for example,…