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Age of plastic

IN the iconic coming-of-age film The Graduate (1967), Dustin Hoffman’s young character, freshly graduated from college, is pulled aside at a party by an acquaintance who bluntly offers him a…

Planet vs plastic

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22 to highlight the environmental issues that are eating away our planet slowly and gradually. The theme for Earth Day 2024, celebrated…

Beat plastic

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 to remind the world about the various dangers of environmental degradation faced by our planet. The day also tries to…

Plastic Or Planet?

Plastic or planet?

As Rachel Carson, the author of ‘Silent Spring’, rightfully says: “[ours is an] era dominated by industry, in which the right to make a dollar at whatever cost is seldom…

Overflowing cups

ON my travels in the last two years I noticed a new accessory: large water bottles. You know the ones with the straw protruding from its top? The most coveted…

Zero waste

On December 14, 2022 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution at its 77th session to declare March 30 as the International Day of Zero Waste, to be observed…

Green deceit

“To build a green future, in the next couple of decades the world will need to mine more metal than we’ve mined in our entire history” says Gerard Barron, CEO…

A Vote For The Environment

A vote for the environment

The next general elections in Pakistan are right round the corner; they are most likely to be held sometime in July 2018. Starting from the sitting governments in the centre…

Mysteries In The Ruins

Mysteries in the ruins

The great 10th century Iraqi poet Abu Tayyib al-Mutanabbi once lived, O fated city, in the Emirate of Aleppo. He even led a revolt in Syria which was – familiar…

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