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High-risk strategy

Since his ouster from power in April 2022, former prime minister Imran Khan adopted a high-risk strategy to regain power and outmaneuver his political opponents. His main objective was to…

Trump age and weight add to Covid risks

As a 74-year-old obese man, Donald Trump has several known risk factors after contracting Covid-19, but experts say it is difficult to predict how the American president will be affected…

Policy and risk mitigation

To promote appropriate preventive behavior and stem the rise of the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important that policymakers better understand how individuals assess and manage health…

Risky voting

LAST month, the Supreme Court allowed overseas Pakistanis to vote, using available internet voting software called i-Vote (developed by Nadra) in the upcoming by-polls. An internet voting task force (IVTF)…

Democratic System At Risk

Democratic system at risk

Elected civilian governments in Pakistan have mostly owed their fall less to the opposition parties’ doings and more to their own death wish. Hopes that our politicians had learnt enough…

China’s Reputation At Risk

China’s reputation at risk

The people of Pakistan view China as their best friend. This friendship has stood the test of time and emerged stronger through many challenges. However, experience shows that bad decisions…

Nuclear Risk Reduction

Nuclear risk reduction

In the 21st century, South Asia faces an uncertain future where the forces of cooperation and conflict are simultaneously at work pulling the region in opposite directions. On the one…

Iran Deal Bears Obama’s Personal Stamp

Iran deal bears Obama’s personal stamp

When push came to shove in the closing hours of marathon negotiations in Geneva on Iran's nuclear program, it was President Barack Obama, back at the White House, who approved…