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Vacuous governance

ARE Pakistanis justified in regarding Islamabad as superfluous to their governance? Do they need a president? The present in­­cumbent perches in a gilded cage, his wings clipped by the 18th…

An upcoming catastrophe

The recommendations we are going to discuss here may create unrealistic expectations from the authorities as we are stuck with useless governance and running down them for their worthlessness doesn’t…

Striped donkeys

CAN a donkey painted with stripes become a zebra? The 19th-century educationist Macaulay thought so. The system he designed for the upper classes in British India aimed to create “a…

Ominous ides

DEMOCRACY in the United States was killed on Jan 6, 2021, when the US Capitol building housing the Senate was stormed by a mob incited by former president Donald Trump.…