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Untapped minerals economy

Mining the earth for natural resources is a profitable business strategy employed by many nations, including China, Italy, Turkey, Spain and Brazil. The contribution of the mineral sector is multifarious:…

Inauguration Day, Trump-style: What will happen?

Every four years America’s president is sworn in on Inauguration Day, whether newly elected or returning to office, in a long-established ceremony held amid pageantry shaped by the incoming leader’s…

Diluted opposition

IT is worth understanding why despite large-scale and detrimental changes to judicial independence, widespread electoral manipulation last February, and severe curtailment of civil liberties in various forms, resistance to these acts has…

Happy New Year?

This, they say traditionally, is the turn-of-the-year season to be jolly. But even a cursory glance at the afflictions that ail Pakistan will lead inevitably and logically to the conclusion…