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The Korean Model

The Korean model

Pakistan’s economic conditions remain dire but there is hope. It is time it looks East for inspiration. Had we looked East decades back we could have been a happier country…

Policy Response To Challenges

Policy response to challenges

WHAT are Pakistan’s most pressing economic challenges and what is the government’s policy response? How well is the policy response aligned to addressing the challenges on a sustainable basis? The…

BJP’s Scare-mongering Over Foreign Funds

BJP’s scare-mongering over foreign funds

A journalist isn’t generally expected to comment on news in which s/he figures as an actor. But I’m compelled to do so in respect of a report by India’s Intelligence…

Choking Funds To Suppress Dissent

Choking funds to suppress dissent

Perhaps no other country has as complex a maze of laws and rules – that give arbitrary powers to the state – as India. And no other state has abused…

Corruption As Empowerment?

Corruption as empowerment?

If India’s maverick psychologist and social critic Ashis Nandy had planned to ignite a potentially ugly controversy at the Jaipur Literary Festival, he couldn’t have done better than by insinuating…