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PHC and ‘qPHC’

“In medicine, we hold up ‘autonomy’ as a professional lodestar, a principle that stands in direct opposition to discipline.” — Atul Gawande in The Checklist Manifesto — How to get…

In pursuit of quality PHC

MY quest for quality primary healthcare (PHC) continues. I see it as a panacea for health development in my country. We will never be able to improve our worst national…

Implementing PHC primer

SINCE the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978, there has been much rhetoric from the World Health Organisation (WHO) about primary healthcare, but little organised and specific guidance from it on how to…

qPHC education and training

LET me first clarify that while the title of this article might give the impression that we are educating and training our medical students about quality Primary Health Care (qPHC),…

PPPs for UHC

THE state’s role in health and healthcare is as fundamental as health being a fundamental human right. The WHO, of which Pakistan has been a member since the beginning, says…

OOP health expenditures

IF health is a human right, then the inability to pay for essential healthcare should not be a barrier. This is why financial protection for healthcare is an integral component…

Kashmir’s no to BJP

THE resounding message from occupied Jammu and Kashmir’s recent legislative elections is rejection of India’s Aug 2019 action that robbed the state of even the nominal autonomy it previously had. The verdict…


SEHAT Sahulat is a great programme but universal health coverage has a much larger vision. Sehat Sahulat is a state-financed health insurance system for the curative care of hospitalised patients,…