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Potential of air quality cooperation

IN October-November of 2024, air quality in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) region deteriorated significantly to a critical level, particularly in the vicinity of the Punjab region. Governments on both sides are…

Desperate Biden’s peace deal

US PRESIDENT Joe Biden seems to have put his personal credibility on the line by spelling out what he called a comprehensive three-phase Israeli proposal. He said “it is time to…

Desperate to reach foreign shores

THE boat crash that killed around 60 people, and counting, off the Italian coast of Calabria had Pakistanis on board. As the rescue mission was underway on Sunday, bits of wood…

Our quiet desperation

DURING a recent conversation, a fellow journalist and friend expressed regret that he wasn’t trained in air-conditioning repair. And before I could even ask why, he explained that heating and…

Our national soap opera

Pakistani politics is full of twists and turns like a smash-hit soap opera. The curtain falls on one thrilling episode and the next starts, promising to keep the audience on…

The knowledge economy imperative

Knowledge has now become the key factor in determining socio-economic development. The failure of governance in Pakistan is exemplified by a comparison to Singapore. Singapore has hardly any natural resources…

Country needs Operation Azm-e-Istehkam

The ghastly attacks of September 11, 2001, on Twin Towers, tragically claimed lives of innocent Americans, who left their homes that morning with not the slightest hint of not returning…