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Apathy vs passion

In numerous drawing-room conversations, there must have been considerable discussions on why the people do not come out on the streets to protest against the increasingly unbearable cost of living…

The corporate climate compass

Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues today, encompassing every facet of society, including corporations which significantly contribute to climate change through their gigantic share of greenhouse…

The impasse persists

FOR all the speculation during last month’s SCO summit about a thaw in Pakistan-India relations, there has been no melting of the ice between the two neighbours. Instead, subsequent developments indicate the long-standing diplomatic…

Passing tests, failing systems

Much of Pakistan’s public discourse remains fixated on the issue of out-of-school children (OOSC) and the challenge of bringing them into the formal system – but what of those who…

Our present past

Blue skies, majestic trees, singing birds, lush green hills and pristine air bedecked the mesmerising Abbottabad of yore. Founded in 1853 by Major James Abbott, it was raised by the…

Climate catastrophes of the past

IF words could cool people down, writers would be very busy these days. As the heat index rises to previously unheard of levels, it is tempting as an author to…

Amendments past & present

THIS is not the first time that a package of multiple constitutional amendments is being contemplated. The package of amendments under the umbrella of the Eighth Amendment was passed by the National…

Leaving the past behind

ON Feb 25, 2024, a video surfaced of an assistant sub-inspector from Rawalpindi beating a local man with a metal object in a crowded police station, for selling kites. This…