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SOEs: performance & accountability

The World Bank’s recent report, titled ‘Pakistan Development Update, fiscal impact of Federal State-Owned Enterprises’, highlights a significant improvement in our economy, attributed mainly to enhanced and better management strategies,…

Accountability versus economy

The foremost election slogan of PTI was across-the-board ruthless accountability and economic turnaround for the betterment of the have-nots who for decades have been reeling under poverty and hopelessness. This…

Accountability versus economy

The foremost election slogan of PTI was across-the-board ruthless accountability and economic turnaround for the betterment of the have-nots who for decades have been reeling under poverty and hopelessness. This…

Accountability And The Sins Of Omissions

Accountability and the sins of omissions

Accountability has two components: answering for the sins of commission and subsequently for the sins of omission. Some time back, the press reported that transactional corruption costs the country Rs10…

Road To Accountability

Road to accountability

There is a national consensus that corruption is the foremost factor hindering our socio-economic progress and the accompanying repercussions that negatively affect all spheres of the national life. But no…

No Accountability For Waste Of Public Money

No accountability for waste of public money

Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) threatened by chronic losses and bloated costs is once again hopeful that the Economic Co-ordination Committee (ECC) in its next meeting will approve a new bailout…

No fear of accountability

The Victorian chimney sweep in Britain, the first industrial nation, was once an even bigger symbol of inhumanity than the bonded child labourer and sex-trafficked women of Pakistan and India…

Integrity Management In Tax Administration

Integrity management in tax administration

Similar to the socio-political culture of most public sector institutions in Pakistan, FBR is also in the 'integrity crises'. Given that the widespread publicity on this issue drives public opinion,…

NDC lessons from the UAE and Brazil

As Pakistan prepares to enhance its climate commitments in the form of NDCs 3.0 under the Paris Agreement’s Article 4, it is crucial to draw lessons from international best practices…