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Dangerous liaisons

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 precipitated a large influx of Afghans into Pakistan, mainly from the Kabul elite, the affluent bought up residential homes and even small businesses,…

Et tu, Maryam?

HOW much should we know about Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz’s health? As a public official, should her health be up for the media’s scrutiny? The media dictates so; the…

What we lost in Baku

Imagine, for a moment: a country teetering on the brink of climate catastrophe. Its glaciers are melting, its fields are parched, and its skies weep torrents of rain that drown…

The fight for water access in Punjab

The state of Pakistan has taken upon itself to provide water as an essential service. The governance structure through a hierarchical approach defines related responsibilities – from quality standards to…

SCO, IMF & reforms

Hosting the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Islamabad by Pakistan on October 15-16, 2024 was a good omen after a long period of diplomatic isolation. The event provided a…

Privatisation and SBP

Heads should roll in the aftermath of the fiasco of the Thursday bidding of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) as there were ample prior indications that an extremely embarrassing failure awaited…

Home-grown economic plans

THE government recently formed a committee of eminent international and Pakistani economists to draft a home-grown economic programme. This article shows that there is little need for such a committee. There is…

Crisis in Balochistan

IT is no longer surprising that parliament does not engage in meaningful debates on critical national challenges. It has become a platform for voicing concerns and hastily concluded discussions, as…

Crisis in Balochistan

IT is no longer surprising that parliament does not engage in meaningful debates on critical national challenges. It has become a platform for voicing concerns and hastily concluded discussions, as…

Foreign policy adrift

CHARACTERISED by drift, Pakistan’s foreign policy appears to be rudderless. It has neither clarity nor coherence to meet complex regional and international challenges or respond to fast-moving global developments. Lacking…