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Finding political legitimacy

I wrote about the CAR framework last month and posited that governance has become much more challenging because ‘capability’, ‘accountability’ and ‘responsiveness’ have all become compromised. These qualities have been…

What does and doesn’t pass for reform?

Two stories this past week were supposed to be celebrated by Pakistanis that are thirsting for reform. The first was the news that the cabinet has approved the hiring of…

Pretensions of invincibility

“But when we crave power over life – endless wealth, unassailable safety, immortality – then desire becomes greed. And if knowledge allies itself to that greed, then comes evil. Then…

The impact on police morale

RECENTLY, Islamabad witnessed a serious crime wave preceding the tragic death of a young man in firing by police personnel on duty. The indiscriminate use of deadly force by police drew vociferous…

`PMDC to be restored next week`

The Islamabad High Court (IHC) was informed on Wednesday that the government would restore Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) by next week. Dr Taugeer Shah, who was later removed…

Intimidating The Judiciary

Intimidating the judiciary

With Karachi relatively safer than it was two years ago, we must not be lulled into thinking that terrorists and political target killers have been eliminated; their deep roots still…

Perversion Of Law

Perversion of law

Recently, during a routine patrol near Bahawalnagar, police officials encountered a few unruly, drunk individuals. When they tried to book them for possession of liquor, they beat up the police…

Life Goes On

Life goes on

The most difficult thing in Pakistan is to reclaim the space — physical or ideological — that the state has ceded to various mafia. I don’t need to comment or…

The Illusions Of Economic Development

The illusions of economic development

The secret of the mastermind is found wholly in the use of imagination. And how true! We are now back to Balochistan where the PM has announced another package for…

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