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Missing nutrition

HEALTHY human capital is a critical gauge of economic stability. The money spent on healthcare is a major determinant of economic growth which can help increase income levels. According to…

Malnutrition woes

MALNUTRITION, or poor nutrition, emerges when one’s diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients. Poor nutrition can be broadly categorised as ‘undernutrition’ and ‘over-nutrition’. In most developing countries,…

The malnutrition crisis

Malnutrition remains one of the deadliest barriers in equity to the holistic development of all Pakistani children. The challenge is huge for Pakistan as it is facing a global acute…

A nutrition disaster

One-third of the total children's population in Pakistan, or 34 million children, is deemed as malnourished. This number is bigger than most countries in the world. To make things more…

Expensive nutrition

For years, the health burden linked with children and mothers has been largely ignored. If girls at their adolescent or reproductive age are malnourished, they are more prone to high-risk…

An unsettling survey

Casting an eye over the current national landscape proves an unsettling experience. Good news is hard to find, if not conspicuous by its absence. Nevertheless, for the sake of clarity…

Price hike and nutrition

CLIMATE change is a threat multiplier for large-scale malnutrition and stunting in Pakistan. It is only now that the linkages between climate change and malnutrition have begun to become clearer,…

Malnutrition crisis

The prospects of turning over the current state seem extremely grim. This comes as no surprise since the issue of malnutrition has barely been on the political agenda with almost…