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Nuclear War

Nuclear war

On April 11, Donald Trump, irked by North Korea’s continued tests of nuclear weapons and missiles, tweeted that “North Korea is looking for trouble’. If China does not ‘help’, then…

Nuclear Bomb: From Wonder To Worry

Nuclear bomb: from wonder to worry

The 20th century itself was the eighth wonder. The fast-paced development and innovation amazed everyone. With every tick of the clock, something new emerged which shook the whole world to…

Nuclear Success To Intensify Iranian Infighting?

Nuclear success to intensify Iranian infighting?

Iran's success in winning an end to international sanctions will only intensify a power struggle among the faction-ridden elite, and President Hassan Rouhani cannot count on domestic political support from…

The Nuclear Option

The nuclear option

Three years ago, when India was elected to the UN Security Council for the 2011-2012 term after a 19-year gap, the country’s then Permanent Representative, Hardeep Singh Puri, expressed confidence…

Nuking Peaceful Protests

Nuking peaceful protests

Even zealous supporters of nuclear power should logically concede three things to their opponents. First, after Fukushima, it’s natural for people everywhere to be deeply sceptical of the claimed safety…

Towards A Nuclear Police State?

Towards a nuclear police state?

Is the Manmohan Singh government doing to the anti-Koodankulam nuclear plant protesters what the Bush administration did to Iraq under Saddam Hussein – to invent an excuse for using military…

War crimes

Threshold question: should we hold trials or join Joe Stalin like he proposed after WWII for Hitler and his Hit Men, and just lynch those responsible, their crimes being so…

Will The Real Rahul Stand Up?

Will the real Rahul stand up?

It was seven years ago that WikiLeaks revealed a conversation Rahul Gandhi had with former US ambassador Timothy Roemer. That sharing of a pivotal idea scrubbed off much of the…