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In the words of Chomsky

We live in the same world and belong to the same species. Our experiences – both individually and collectively – are fundamentally similar despite our vast variety and differences, and…

Chomsky: a savant nonpareil

There is much evil in the world today: globally, regionally, nationally, sub-nationally, and individually. There has, of course, always been evil in the world. Indeed, all creation myths, religious and…

Chomsky masterclass

ADDRESSING the sixth Yohsin Lecture at Habib University, Karachi, on Dec 7, the renowned linguist, political commentator and human rights activist, Noam Chomsky, who will this month observe his 92nd…

Chomsky’s warning

Noam Chomsky, the sage of our times, has spoken up. Employing his usual candidness, he has delivered a dire warning to the world about the potency and the nature of…

Noam at 90

“AT 90, he remains a stealth dagger through the heart of our country’s illusions about itself,” Bruce Springsteen eloquently declared at a Madison Square Garden concert celebrating fellow singer-songwriter and…

A brand new world?

Economics is at the forefront, intertwined with politics, shaping international relations today. Global politics is entering a new era driven by artificial intelligence (AI), offering vast opportunities to advance economic…

Materialistic metaphysics

THIS modern civilisation, which has attained for man unprecedented power, progress, and prosperity, has an inherent design fault that inexorably leads to crisis after crisis since it is itself a…

Of the elephant in the courtroom

JAILED rights activist Umar Khalid withdrew his bail application from the Indian supreme court last week, preferring instead to try his fortunes at the lower courts. Implicit in the move…


Who is Hamas? Any child who hasn’t run away THE Jabalia Camp massacre changes everything. We are dealing with a criminally insane entity called Israel backed by a criminally hypocritical superpower. Some…

A fitting metaphor for Gaza

MADELEINE Albright once appeared for an interview for CBS 60 Minutes with Lesley Stahl. She was asked about the tragic effect of US sanctions on Iraqi children. “We have heard…