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They called Mandela a terrorist

WHEN the lights suddenly go off, we mostly lean on our primordial instincts to negotiate the darkened room with memory of passage through the maze of obstacles and locate, say,…

Mandela’s Vision

Mandela’s vision

Nelson Mandela International Day is observed every year on July 18 across the globe. The purpose is to acknowledge the tireless efforts of the great leader for ensuring equal civic…

Mandela’s Fight

Mandela’s fight

When I arrived in South Africa to conclude my tour of Africa, people were celebrating Nelson Mandela International Day to mark the birthday of their beloved revolutionary leader. Mandela is…

Palestine’s Mandela

Palestine’s Mandela

I have a confession to make: I like Marwan Barghouti. I have visited him at his modest Ramallah home several times. During our conversations, we discussed Israeli-Palestinian peace. Our ideas…

Obama And Mandela’s Legacies

Obama and Mandela’s legacies

When ideas fail, said Goethe, words come in handy. As speeches go, President Obama’s tribute at Nelson Mandela’s memorial last week may easily have been one of his best. That…

The Genius Of Mandela

The genius of Mandela

Most of those paying tributes to Nelson Mandela are focusing on his qualities that they themselves hold precious and thus they present a variety of portraits. But he was a…

The Violence Of Mandela

The violence of Mandela

In the hour after hour of coverage given by the BBC and other mainstream news channels to the late Nelson Mandela, we have seen a certain image unrolled before us.…