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Saga of motorcycle snatching

There is startling data regarding snatching of motorcycles in the city of Karachi. According to Citizen Police Liaison Committee better known as CPLC, an average of 167 motorcycles were stolen…

Structural reforms in IMF programme

The Staff Report on the new 37-month Extended Fund Facility by the IMF of $7 billion contains a number of structural benchmarks, along with their rationale and the date by…

Trapped in circumstances

Poverty is found in different shapes and sizes in the country. Not many families can eat meat even a few times in a month or for that matter enjoy the…

India takes another hit

India’s regional approach is lagging and is not being able to deliver its desired outcome. After Maldivian President Muhammad Muizu’s victory based on an India Out campaign and Nepal’s resentment…

Redefining urban spaces

When Yaqub was ten years old, he shared a two-room house with his family of six. With limited space at home, much of his time was spent on the streets.…

Punjab: cleanliness campaign on Eid

Eid al-Adha has been coming every year and passing away as usual, but this Eid was uniquely remarkable. Throughout Punjab, special attention was not only given to general cleanliness in…