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Energy Autarky As A National Policy

Energy autarky as a national policy

Pakistan has faced a series of energy crises since 2007. Unfortunately, however, it all had been predicted long ago but the concerned quarters did not lend an ear to the…

National Policy For Energy

National policy for energy

Recently, there have been numerous calls from various political parties for a national consensus on major issues. This is welcome for the need is to take a cohesive stand on…

National security policy

A nation’s national security policy (NSP) is a national vade mecum or ‘grand national strategy’ which helps draft various sectoral strategies or policies which lead to operational strategies and action…

National water policy

Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) delivered a grim warning that "water" availability in the country had touched the "water-stress line" in 1990 before crossing the "water scarcity…

A National Innovation Policy

A national innovation policy

Pakistan – a country with a population of 220 million – has over a 100 million below the age of 20. This gives us a unique window of opportunity for…

International Law & Foreign Policy

International law & foreign policy

The recently released Chilcot Report of the Iraq Inquiry has created quite a stir in international law and politics. Crucially, its bruising fallout for the UK and US also offers…

National Security: Disastrous Policymaking

National security: disastrous policymaking

Input will dictate output – almost always. So what is the input that is going into our national security and foreign policymaking that has produced such a bungled output? Let’s…

Need For A National Steel Policy

Need for a national steel policy

Steel is an integral part of our daily life, from the steel bars that hold our houses together to the steel utensils that we use to cook. As such, the…

National Education Policy 2009 – A Critique

National education policy 2009 – a critique

The announcement of the National Education Policy, 2009, was supposed to be the starting point for a nationwide debate on much needed systemic educational reforms. Yet apart from the odd…