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Pakistan’s grand strategy

Pakistan’s institutions and policymakers, with some rare exceptions here and there, are prone to think and act tactically when dealing with major national issues instead of deliberating and planning in…

Governance for local government: Part – IV

The rules of business have to be changed accordingly. It would be imperative that the chief executive officers of metropolitan corporations and large district councils are appointed from among Grade…

The road not taken

In the year 1899, Theodore Roosevelt, at the time the governor of New York, delivered an inspiring speech titled, ‘The Strenuous Life’. The speech romanticized the principles of commitment, hard…

Game Of Death

Game of death

The collapse of the Afghan peace talks may have created a ripple of excitement among the war-mongers sitting in the power corridors of Washington but it has affected millions of…

It’s The People

It’s the people

Ten months into office and PM Khan seems to have settled in the role of the nation’s chief instructor. One wonders if he will have success as a reformer, or…

Strategic coercion through hybrid warfare

Hybrid attacks against Pakistan across a broad front are focused mainly on Balochistan, the former Fata region, Swat and Gilgit-Baltistan. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) gets very special attention. In…

A Sporting Chance

A sporting chance

As we complete the elaborate process of a general election, there is a lot to consider regarding the manner in which our country is run. There was an event, perhaps…