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Ending hopium—II

SIFC (Special Investment Facilitation Council) and the last Caretaker Government had taken the elephant steps on fertilizer, HEC and tube-well electricity subsidy, phased closure of BISP (Benazir Income Support Programme)…

Replacing hopium with reality Part – IV

A report titled ‘Federal Footprint State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Consolidated Report FY2020-22’ released by the Ministry of Finance last month says that the cumulative losses of 31 entities totalled Rs730.26 billion…

Replacing hopium with reality-Part – I

The stubborn refusal to look reality in the face and the wish for a good old daddy saviour has been our norm for 75 years. Amidst the advocacy of unrealistic…

Replacing hopium with reality: Part – II

Pakistan revises its energy prices on a fortnightly (fuel, LPG and LNG), monthly (power) and biannually (gas) basis. This habit needs to be replaced by an approach that smoothens the…

Hopium – II

Energy pricing fortnightly (fuel, LPG and LNG), monthly (power) and 6 monthly (gas) needs an approach that smoothens the impact and reduces the risk without causing political despair every fortnight,…

Hopium – I

Stubborn refusal to look reality in the face and wishing for good daddy saviour has been our norm since 75 years, advocacy of non-realistic planning, inability to take timely decisions,…

No more business as usual—II

Known solutions to our problems start with merit-based governance and justice system adhering to our Constitution. Structural changes need to be made to existing layers of governance of local governments,…