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The NDC challenges

The International Day of Clean Energy is celebrated annually on January 26 to highlight the importance of clean energy in mitigating climate change and encouraging countries to transition to sustainable…

What is our climate vision for the NDCs?

As Pakistan stands at the precipice of 2025, the urgency to confront the climate crisis has never been more pronounced. The revised Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which form the backbone…

Challenges: role of NEC & NDC — I

The biggest challenge faced by the State of Pakistan as defined in Article 7 of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, not merely for governments in centre or provinces,…

Challenges: role of NEC & NDC — II

What happened after the maiden meeting of NDC is not made public nor has the progress of projects discussed in the very first meeting been monitored. It has no website…

Weight of handcuffs

IN Pakistan, even the dead wear handcuffs. It is to prevent an accused from escaping into eternity. That might explain why the police found it necessary to leave the handcuffs…

The Builder Of Sandcastles

The builder of sandcastles

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is a dreamer of unreal dreams. He believes that he has the ability to resuscitate the comatose economy and transform Pakistan into an Asian tiger. The…

Climate revenue & investments

PAKISTAN’S economic and climate turnaround hinges on the active participation of the private sector. A web of robust partnerships with it can be leveraged to attract both domestic and international…

Is climate finance in jeopardy?

In her book, ‘The Social Contract’, philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau emphasised the interconnectedness of individual actions within a collective. This philosophy resonates globally when addressing shared challenges such as climate change.…

The corporate climate compass

Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues today, encompassing every facet of society, including corporations which significantly contribute to climate change through their gigantic share of greenhouse…

Lessons not learnt

THE tumult generated by the collapse of Gate 47 of Sukkur Barrage in Sindh subsided after the irrigation department brought the situation under control by constructing a cofferdam. This was…