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Nadra’s algebra

I AM puzzled by the role/non-role assigned to Nadra in times of Covid-19. At the start of the pandemic in early 2020, the National Command Operation Centre was set up…

Nadra and vaccination

THIS refers to the letters ‘Vaccination and senior citizens’ (March 19). I would like to share my experience with the National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) in this regard. I…

A legacy of struggle

Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto’s death anniversary (which falls today) will be marked this year amidst another moment of political uncertainty in Pakistan. A few days before her assassination, Shaheed BB…

Digital graveyard

ARBITRARY network shutdowns and slow internet speeds have been the defining feature of 2024. The ever-revolving circle on the screen harks back to the dial-up days, where one would hear a cacophony…

Off the streets and on the list

In a crucial milestone for the nation, Pakistan is preparing to launch its first-ever National Sex Offenders Register this November, signalling a firm commitment to combat sexual violence. Women and…

Stateless workers

OF the 79 miners who have died since Jan 1, 2024, in Pakistan’s deadly coal mines, not a single one was registered with the EOBI. They were all born as…

Street safety

THE Sindh chief executive’s resolve to address street crime is encouraging. This commitment raises important questions: are these crimes organised or opportunistic? Can traditional policing strategies alone be effective, or…

The narrative must change

The Federal Board of Revenue’s (FBR’s) narrative, irrespective of the many chairmen it has been subjected to - accountants, generalists bureaucrats, party loyalists and the very few promoted from within…

Complex processes

THE least a state must know about its citizens is the date of their birth and the date they expire — also a legal requirement for all perishable products in…

Transgender rights

FOUR years after the epic and surprising (given our right-wing bent) multiparty approval of a Transgender Act, right-wing forces now say it is un-Islamic. Terming it anti-religion may be responsible in…