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Our popular leaders

POPULAR leaders with non-elite roots, pro-poor agendas and origins in institutionalised grassroots political movements often deliver equitable and democratic progress. Non-elite roots obviously aid such agendas while a rise through…

Elections and public scepticism

LESS than a month remains for the five-year term of the present National Assembly and two provincial assemblies to end, after which elections have to be held within 60 or…

People’s power in BD

PEOPLE’S power has toppled one more authoritarian regime. Another bloody day in Bangladesh ended in triumph for the uprising in that country. Defying a nationwide curfew, hundreds of thousands of…

India takes another hit

India’s regional approach is lagging and is not being able to deliver its desired outcome. After Maldivian President Muhammad Muizu’s victory based on an India Out campaign and Nepal’s resentment…

Bangladesh coup

The more than one month long agitation in Bangladesh against the quota policy has finally ended in a military coup. Army chief Waker-Uz-Zaman led the army action, giving Prime Minister…

Karamat Ali: Our man of integrity

Last week, Pakistan lost its veteran labour unionist, Karamat Ali. The values embedded in him revolved around human rights, labour associations, regional peace and social justice. His assumption was simple:…

Mirza’s memoirs- Part – II

Prof Ian Talbot while referring to the acerbic criticism of Iskander Mirza’s politics in a paper refers to M M Syed’s research and his discerning opinion: “Mirza was not however…

The JI and the jiyalas

The PPP is not quite the party it used to be and today there are more people in the vicinity who wince at the mere mention of it than perhaps…

A state of many cases

‘Never a dull moment’ is a cliche, even more so for Pakistani politics. How could we have a dull moment when there is a steady stream of cases and audio/video…

PTI’s future?

The conflict between the two sides of the political elite, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the military, the ruling Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) and parliament on the one hand and the…