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Bonding values

TIME flies, and we fail to realise that someone who had departed has been gone for over a year. Then an event shakes us out of our reverie to remind…

Decaying morals

A THRIVING, harmonious society is based on certain moral values that God has ingrained in human nature. When nations forgot or deliberately decided to forego these values, messengers were sent…

Unequal and immoral

JUST a bit over a week ago, the World Inequality Report 2022 was released. Among its notable but not surprising findings were the fact that half of the world is…

Afghanistan’s moral dilemma

Afghanistan’s new Law on the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a codification of the existing rules, marks a continuation of the increasing miseries of the Afghan people. Yet,…

Role modelling values

Children do not follow what you say but what you do. What you value you emulate. Behaviour is the key to values adherence. These are some sayings that are said…

The Toshakhana’s moral vacuum

Now that the Toshakhana record for the period 2002-2022 is in the public domain, we can see how morally questionable the rules were that allowed our leaders to keep gifts…

Enforced disappearance of morality

You have a choice of images and encounters that you think would illustrate the present state of affairs in Pakistan. For instance, there was that unscheduled, late night press conference…

A failed state, morally

And now we have this latest assault on our senses, the video of a young couple being violated by a gang. Reports have been published this week that the Islamabad…

Whose values?

TODAY is the day after International Women’s Day. By now, the Aurat March would have taken place, hopefully without incident. And Pakistan’s honour would likely have survived a public gathering of…